We are increasingly stressed!

How many times do we use the word "stress" in our daily lives?

Our lives, already normally full of commitments and efforts, have become further burdened due to the covid-19 pandemic which has brought with it the uncertainty of the global health situation and the inconveniences of social restrictions.

One of the main consequences of the lockdowns that occurred between 2020 and 2021 was a reduced ability to rest due to the worsening of the quality of our nightly sleep.

To make the situation worse, some of us can also feel the effects of the change of season which leads us to have the annoying sensation of waking up in the morning more tired than the night before... has this ever happened to you?

If the manifestations of insomnia have been present for a long time, the advice is to contact your doctor or a psychologist who can help you deal with this problem through cognitive-behavioural therapy.

However, in more transitory situations it is possible to find valid help in medicinal plants and in some natural remedies of recognized effectiveness which promote relaxation and improve the response to both physical and mental stress.

Let's see what they are and their properties.

Relaxing plants

  • Valeriana officinalis : it is well known in popular medicine for its sedative and antidepressant virtues. You can easily see it growing this season on the banks of streams and in damp meadows. Valerian root aqueous extract significantly improves sleep quality, anxiety and even depressive disorders. These properties have been demonstrated in several clinical studies which have also highlighted the absence of morning drowsiness typical of some classes of drugs used in the treatment of insomnia.
  • Melissa officinalis: it is a herbaceous plant whose leaves have a pleasant lemon aroma from which the popular name "lemon verbena" derives. Lemon balm is a nerve plant with a carminative note because in addition to working on the nervous system, it also improves gastrointestinal disorders by reducing abdominal tension.
  • Eschscholtzia californica: Eschscholtzia , commonly known as the "California poppy", is a plant belonging to the Papaveraceae family (look at that!!) of which the flowering tops are used. It contains some alkaloids such as protropine capable of promoting relaxation at the CNS (Central Nervous System) level.

Adaptogenic plants

Adaptogenic plants are characterized by their ability to influence a non-specific response of the body towards different stress factors. In other words they help our body improve mental and physical performance in case of stress.

  • Rhodiola rosea: also known as Siberian ginseng, rhodiola is a very versatile plant that is safe to use. It improves the metabolism of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine at the level of the cerebral cortex and hypothalamus. Thanks to these activities it is able to promote cognitive functions and mental well-being. On a muscular level, it stimulates the production of ATP and protein synthesis, characteristics that make it an interesting aid for those who practice sports but also for those who experience a period of tiredness during the change of season.
  • Panax ginseng: it is one universally known tonic-adaptogenic plant. Thanks to the stimulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis it is able to improve the psycho-physical capabilities of the individual. By modulating the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, ginseng is able to promote mental well-being and cognitive functions. It is also a plant suitable for athletes as it improves physical performance and also has immunomodulating properties thanks to the presence of polysaccharides.
  • Ganoderma lucidum: it is a mushroom known by the name of Reishi which the ancient Chinese called "ling zhi" or "plant of spiritual power". Ganoderma is able to promote the response of the immune system thanks to its polysaccharide content and regulate inflammation. It also improves insomnia and is able to promote stress management, inducing mental and physical well-being.

To keep the body in balance the mind also needs to be taken care of, therefore all practices that bring benefits in this sense are highly recommended such as meditation, walks in the green woods, mindfulness or listening to good music, preferably live!

DISCLAIMER : the information contained in this newsletter is of an informative nature and does not replace the advice of a doctor. If in any doubt, consult your doctor.

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